How to Make Your Own Carpet Cleaning Solution?

It is essential to keep your carpet clean all the time. Carpets attract dust, insects, stains, germs, and spillages. Hiring carpet cleaning services and purchasing the cleaning products can be quite expensive, but you can make your own carpet cleaning solutions easily at your home. The solutions can be made from ingredients that you already have in your house. Read on to find some home carpet cleaning solutions that you can make from Carpet Cleaning Melbourne professionals.

Using a piece of cloth

If there is a spillage in your carpet, you will need to react fast so that it does not dry up. The first thing is to take a clean piece of cloth and press against the spillage until all the liquid is soaked.

Use vinegar-water solution

The next step is to mix vinegar and water to make a cleaning solution. Vinegar works well with all types of dirt and stains. You can add water and ammonia to make it more effective and increase the amount. After mixing, put the solution on a spray bottle and shake well to ensure the products are mixed.

Spray on the affected areas

Start by identifying all the areas of your carpets that require cleaning. Then spray on all the affected areas. Let the cleaning solution soak for about 10 minutes then scrub the area using a brush. It is essential that you wait up one hour to allow the solution to dry and remove the stubborn stains.

Vacuum your carpet

When the carpet cleaning solution has completely dried, vacuum your carpet thoroughly. When vacuuming, go over the affected areas twice to make sure all the debris, dirt and powder is sucked up.

You can make your own carpet cleaning solutions easily at home with the above steps instead of hiring carpet cleaners Melbourne. The solutions are highly effective, save money and works within a short time. Melbourne Central Cleaning offers the Commercial Carpet Cleaning Services Melbourne from experienced professional cleaners.

Is Winter A Good Time For Carpet Cleaning?

As winter hits in, and the snow starts to fall and temperatures drop, you may assume that it is not a good time for cleaning your carpets. However, we tell you that it’s just your assumption that needs to be cast aside. Winter is a good time for cleaning your carpets, where most of you all would be staying indoors. Before the holiday season begins, you can get a winter carpet cleaning Melbourne company to clean, and retain your carpet’s look. Whether it’s for stain removal or reviving the carpets, you can take a look at our list of reasons that’ll tell you why you should consider getting a winter carpet cleaning service.

Faster Drying

Many of you would assume that during winter carpets will take a longer time to dry. However, the truth is, it dries much faster than you think. As you keep indoors warm and cosy, the drying time is much quicker, and you can have refreshing and soft carpets within a few minutes after the cleaning. Also, professional carpet cleaners use dehumidifiers and high-powered fans to dry them. So, you can enjoy the warmth and refreshing atmosphere.

Eliminate Allergens & Pollutants

When you keep everything closed during the winter, the dust and dirt get trapped inside the carpet. Allergens and pollutants accumulate fast and affect the indoor air quality. So, it is best to remove them with a carpet steam cleaning Melbourne services. It not only helps keep the carpets look new, but it also kills almost 99% of the germs and disease-causing allergens.

Healthy Space

Winter is the time where moisture and dirt can get to your space easily. To save your carpets from all the stains, and create an inviting space for your guests, book a winter carpet cleaning services Melbourne to keep your carpets look fresh and new.

Easy Booking

Many people aren’t aware of the benefits of winter carpet cleaning, and they will book only during spring and summer months. This can help you with a faster booking, and also you can even book them well in advance before the holiday season.

Bottom Line

As you’ve understood that winter carpet cleaning can make your carpets last longer, and improve the air quality with faster drying time. Moreover, there’s never a better time to book a professional winter carpet cleaners melbourne experts from Melbourne Central Cleaning. For appointments, call 1300 855 088.

How To Maintain Your Carpets In Between Professional Cleanings?

Carpets are a great way to protect your floors, amp up your space and make your home feel cosy and inviting. However, they need regular cleaning and maintenance. When you take care of your carpets, it keeps the air quality in your home a lot healthier. Since they are a costly investment to your home, you must take care of it with the utmost care and meticulous attention. Here are our best tips on how to care for your carpet in between professional carpet cleaning Melbourne.

Vacuum Regularly

One of the best things which you can do for your carpet is to vacuum the carpets daily to clear the soil or debris build-up that gets accumulated daily. Unless you have pets inside the house or you are sensitive to dust allergies, you can schedule professional cleaning services melbourne company every year. Unlike DIY carpet cleaning, which can damage your carpet, professional carpet cleaners Melbourne are trained to know exactly how to clean them and restore it to its original colour, texture and beauty.

Spot cleaning

Whether its food spill or something else, ensure you spot clean the carpet immediately. Blot the spill with a clean cloth, and follow the carpet cleaning instructions specified by the manufacturer based on your carpet type. By following the instructions and scheduling professional commercial carpet cleaning Melbourne twice a year is the best way to avoid permanent stain marks on your carpets.

Remove Heavy Furniture From Your Carpets

Heavy furniture can damage your carpet when left for a long period. It can make your carpets look old whether by causing dents or by gradually tearing the fibers. In such a case, you can install carpet padding to create soft and distribute the weight evenly.

Bottom Line

For professional carpet steam cleaning Melbourne company, get in touch with Melbourne Central Cleaning. For appointments, call 1300 855 088.

Deep Cleaning The Carpets Is As Easy As Baking Cupcakes – Know How?

People believe that carpet cleaning is a labour-intensive chore. However, it doesn’t have to be a weekend-stealing process anymore. When you follow the steps correctly, you can even conclude the cleaning within 20 minutes to half an hour just like baking a vanilla cupcake. All you have to do is, to get the cleaning materials ready and prep up the carpet. Are you aware that your carpet acts like a typical air filter, which traps dust & debris? It certainly pollutes your indoor air. Generally, carpet dust can make way for 2,000 dust mites, to nest in your carpet. The residue they leave behind mixes with dust and becomes airborne, and can become a cause of allergies. You can simply hire a professional carpet cleaning Melbourne company for all your carpet cleaning needs!

This is why the indoor air will be more polluted than the outside air, and you should take immediate action to solve this. Follow these three steps to achieve a professional clean look when you finish.

Vacuum Cleaning

Vacuum cleaning is one of the basic methods before you start cleaning the carpets. Thoroughly vacuum the carpet from top to bottom to remove any loose or dry soils. This would make the carpet fibres for the next cleaning.

Condition The Carpets

Pre-Condition the carpets to lift any tough stains and clear off the bad odours from the carpets. You can use stain removal solutions that are alkaline-based to loosen the dirt. If you have woollen carpets, make sure to use an acidic solution that is gentle on them. This solution will neutralise the bad odours that had been emanating from the carpets. By doing this, you will be able to achieve a spotless clean.

Carpet Steam Cleaning

If you’re struggling with allergies or sensitivities to bad odours, steam cleaning is the best way to deep clean or spot clean carpets in the home. The steam that comes out will kill bacteria and lift dirt that contributes to intolerable odours. This method is an effective and efficient way to lift the dirt build-up from the carpet fibers, including hard and persistent stains. This cleaning effectively cleans the carpets providing an intensive clean up by killing almost 99% of germs. You can simply hire a professional carpet steam cleaning Melbourne company for all your carpet cleaning needs!

Over To You

If your are looking for professional carpet cleaners Melbourne, call Melbourne Central Cleaning on 1300 855 088.

Professional Carpet Cleaning Will Save Your Money & Health

Isn’t it great to have your carpets look clean all the time? Yes. Clean carpets look soft, fluffy, and sweet-smelling. Your children and pets love them. Unfortunately, stains, spills & dirt accumulation become an enemy for your carpets. If you think about cleaning them often, consider hiring carpet cleaning Melbourne services can be helpful. Carpet cleaners use advanced carpet cleaning methods to get rid of the dirt, debris & other allergens from the carpet efficiently. With COVID-19 second wave is at its peak, it’s more than essential to keep the carpets clean and tidy.

  • Regular carpet cleaning keeps your dull and tired carpets into a clean and sparkling one. While staying indoors, with the frequent traffic and children & pet mess, your carpet would be the ultimate sufferer. To curb the germ and bacterial infections due to allergens and dirt, you need to steam clean your carpets often or vacuum them to be free of dirt and debris.

  • If you have furry friends at home, make sure to give bath to them regularly. Also, dust and clear any debris that you see on the carpet. Keep regular vacuuming as part of the cleaning routine and ensure your carpets are clean and tidy.

  • When your carpet is expensive or has a different type of fiber, you should seek the help of professional carpet cleaners to clean the carpet for you. They know what to use to ensure it doesn’t harm the texture of your carpet.

  • When you keep the carpet cleanings regular, you can stay confident that your home is healthy and also avoid costly replacements.

  • Avoid having food or drinks on the couch as you may accidentally spill on the carpet. Even if you do, make sure to quickly wipe them with recommended cleaning methods. The longer you take to clean, the stubborn the stain will be.

  • It is good to use a steam cleaner to get rid of the dirt and other allergens. However, it leaves residue and will attract dirt. So, hire carpet cleaners Melbourne from reputed cleaning companies like Melbourne Central Cleaning.

Need deep cleaning for your carpets? Call Melbourne Central Cleaning on 1300 855 088 today.

Show Some Love To Your Carpets This Season – Here’s How?

If the COVID -19 pandemic has taught the world a lesson, it is nothing but clean, sanitise and disinfect just about everything. It applies not just to your hands alone but to your carpets as well. Yes, your carpet’s appeal can make or break your reputation. More than its appeal, your health should be your primary concern and you don’t want your children or people coughing or getting sick due to dirty carpets. You must invest your time in regular cleanings and never leave them screaming for your attention. If you don’t have the time or not sure that you can achieve a sparkling clean; make professional carpet cleaning services in Melbourne as part of your cleaning routine and stay away from contamination and infections.

Vacuum Every Now & Then

If your carpet has dust and debris and looks stuffy, it is better to have them vacuumed by a vacuum cleaner. It can help get rid of the dirt and dust, sticks in the fibers, and vacuuming proves beneficial in removing allergens and solid particles. However, to clean the carpet thoroughly, you need to hire carpet cleaners Melbourne experts working in the industry from time to time. It will ensure that the experts will possess the required experience and expertise in the industry and can provide an extensive cleaning service to the best of their abilities.

Vanish Spills & Stains

Whether it’s a new stain or an old one, check for any stains or dirt that might stand out on your carpet. If you see any areas that look stained or unclean, quick removal is essential as it helps keep the carpet in good shape.

Make Your Carpets Smell Good

If you would like to create a fresh and inviting space, clean carpets are a must. So, while doing steam cleaning, add a little amount of your favourite perfume or essential oil or even soap lotion to clean them. This way, you can clean the carpets, and they will smell great.

Hire Carpet Cleaners

If you want to ensure that your carpets smell good and are free of dust and dirt, leave it to professional carpet steam cleaners Melbourne and relax.

Bottom Line

With viruses keep mutating and spreading all over, you must keep yourself immune and also your home immune to the virus and other bacteria. This is possible when you hire a professional carpet steam cleaning services from Melbourne Central Cleaning  to help you out.

Prevent Your Carpets From Allergens – Here’s How?

Everyone likes to have a clean, dust-free and thoroughly vacuumed carpet! If you’re one among them and want your space to be spic and span, invest in carpet cleaning services to achieve that. Most people engage in vacuuming their carpets frequently. But have you ever wondered, that vacuuming alone is enough to clean your carpets? Though it can do wonders, vacuuming the carpets just cleans the carpet on the surface level; it does not go deep into the carpet fibers and eliminate any trapped allergens or debris from your carpets. Therefore, hiring a professional carpet cleaning in Melbourne company helps you to get rid of any accumulated allergens to keep your home stay healthy. So, here, we’re going to cut our long story and allow you to explore. Read on.

Dust Mites

This is one of the allergens that are prevalent in every corner of your home. Be it your beds, chairs, sofas, carpets, and much more, these can happily reside. Though you regularly wash your bed linens in hot water at regular intervals, these can stick and can’t be washed away. So, a professional carpet cleaning service is a must to have a clean & mite-free carpet. The deep cleaning techniques involved in the carpet steam cleaning service will leave your carpet fresh and allergen-free.


If you have pets at your home, then your carpet is quite prone to allergens and odours. Pet urine on your carpet can be downright annoying and it should be removed immediately. Even if it is difficult to keep your pets off from your carpet surface, you can train them gradually. It’s quite a long process. Instead, you can call in the carpet steam cleaning services to clean and clear off the allergens.

Fungi & Mold Growth

If your carpets are not rinsed properly or perhaps done by a poor cleaning service, the dampness can cause the fungi and mold to sprout on your carpets. This is something that needs your attention and vacuuming alone will not eliminate it. These can make you fall sick once you come into their contact. So, to get them off from your carpet should be your first step towards a healthy living. To do that, call professional carpet cleaners in Melbourne to keep your house clean, healthy and virus-free.

Over To You

If keeping your space healthy and clean is the goal, hire carpet cleaning services in Melbourne from Melbourne Central Cleaning. For appointments, call 1300 855 088 today.

5 Reasons To Have Your Carpets Professionally Cleaned This Christmas

The Christmas season is upon us, and while you’re busy preparing your home or office for the festive celebrations, it’s best to keep your rugs, carpets, and cushion furnishings clean and refreshing. If you have considered the condition of your carpets, it’s best to invest in professional carpet steam cleaning Melbourne to keep all your furnishings looking fresh and clean. As you welcome friends, family, and colleagues, clean carpets can make a significant difference. Wondering why to take up carpet cleaning this Christmas? We have five compelling reasons to have your carpets professionally cleaned on this joyous occasion. Let’s check it out.

Impress Your Guests with Cleanliness

As you host gatherings and events this Christmas, impress your guests with impeccably clean carpets. A professional carpet steam cleaning in Melbourne will remove stains, dirt, and odours, leaving your home or office smelling fresh and inviting.

Enhance Health and Hygiene

Clean carpets contribute to a healthier environment. Regular carpet cleaning eliminates allergens and bacteria, ensuring that your space is safe and comfortable for everyone. This is especially important if you have family members or employees with allergies or respiratory issues.

Extend Carpet Lifespan

Investing in carpet steam cleaning in Melbourne can extend the life span of your carpets. Professional cleaning removes the buildup of dirt and grime that can wear down fibers over time. By taking care of your carpets now, you’ll save money on replacement costs in the long run.

Prepare for Pre-Sale or End of Lease

If you’re planning to sell your property or are moving out, having clean carpets is essential. Pre-sale cleaning in Melbourne or end of lease cleaning in Melbourne often includes carpet cleaning as a requirement. Ensure you meet these standards and leave a lasting positive impression on potential buyers or landlords.

Boost Property Value

Whether your home or office, clean carpets can significantly impact property value. Clean and well-maintained carpets increase the attractiveness of your space and can lead to a higher resale or rental price. We ensure your investment pays off by keeping your carpets in top condition.

Give Your Space the Gift of Clean Carpets

This Christmas, give your home or office the gift of clean carpets. Melbourne Central Cleaning offers professional carpet steam cleaning in Melbourne, end of lease cleaning, bond cleaning, commercial carpet cleaning, window cleaning in Melbourne, and house cleaning in Melbourne.

Our team of experts provides you with a clean, hygienic, and inviting environment this festive season. For cleaning requirements, reach us at 0414 626 876/1300 85 50 88 today.